This is going to be a blog that we pat ourselves on the back. It is hard, as growing up I was taught to be humble, but I also have learned that it is OK, because it isn't bragging if it is true. Today we randomly selected 19 of our customers that bought a Comfortaire bed from us. They came from all around us, Cisne, IL to Metropolis, IL, to right here in Chesterfield, MO. We have sold to customers as far away as Richmond, VA and Michigan. We are proud of our ability to provide value in offering a great technology, at a fair price. We were just a bit apprehensive, after all the 400 store chain that is our largest competitor and manufactures the product they sell, should offer a great value as well.
We pushed on. We took those 19 random sales and went to their web site. We used comparable beds based on over all height and amount of comfort materials (pillow top). Our most popular selling bed is a bed they don't have anything like. See Comfortaire is an innovative company, a few years ago they introduced a much shorter air chamber technology. To date Comfortaire is the only mass producer of that technology. Just like in 1981 when Comfortaire introduced their 6 inch cotton latex 24 gauge air chamber, no one else used it, at first. Our biggest competitor started producing their beds around 1987 using a 6 inch cotton latex air chamber. That's why Comfortaire calls this chamber the Original Design chamber, often copied. If you have not tried a Comfortaire 3.5 inch chamber you really do owe it to yourself to try it, it is amazing!
So you might ask, what were the results? Here is what we really are proud of. Over all results showed that on average we saved our customer about $1059 on their purchase. And over all our sales were priced 34.73% less than the comparable bed at their web site. Click here to see the full results. We added the mattress price to the delivery fee, then compensated for any free stuff either company was offering. We worked hard to make this a fair comparison. Not one of our customers paid more than they would have at the mall. The smallest discount was 11.9%, the largest was 48.51%. Yet the mall stores sell a lot of mattresses, and usually with a the "greatest sale ever" tag line. Good for them!
The bottom line is, if you are looking for great air technology, at least check our store out. We might surprise you on our quality and price. That is what true value is!
Sleep Well!
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