Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter and Sleep

Each season brings new variables to our sleep.  We are in what I call the dead of winter now, and winter is no different.  Our bodies react to our environment.  Winter brings shorter, grayer days which can impact our circadian rhythms.

The gray days make us sleepy in the morning, and at 5 PM when darkness hits, our bodies start to shut down.  We do have some advantages in our modern era, primarily the electric light bulb.  We can simulate a longer day, but most bulbs do not simulate full spectrum sunlight, so it is still not quite the same, but every little bit helps.  Shorter days encourages us to be some what less active, which again plays into the sleepiness we find during the day.

The key to thriving in winter is to stick to a daily schedule, perhaps winter is the most important time to do that.  By sticking to our schedules we will find ourselves sleeping better and productively.  By sticking to our schedules we will find just a little more energy to live our lives to the fullest.  And perhaps the commercials that always pop up in February or March, you know, the ones that remind us that beach season is right around the corner, how will you look in your swim suit?  Maybe they won't mean anything to us...

A consistent schedule is for 24 hours.  We should try to wake at the same time every day, including days off.  We should strive to go to bed at a set time.  Then we will offer our bodies the environment that they need to sleep well.  Probably would be a good thing to find things that can keep us active, if you have kids or grand kids I'm sure they can help!  If not regular gym visits, because it's cold outside are good ways to help off set the short days of winter.  Be sure to eat light as well, with the encouraged inactivity of the winter months, it is a time when we can gain a few pounds, which can impact sleep.

And now, it is incumbent on me to at least mention our business.  We do this as a public service, but the business is what gives us that opportunity.  We sell beds.  And not just any beds, but Comfortaire Air adjustable mattresses.  And Comfortaire can help you to sleep better in this winter season.  The lush bamboo toppers, the cuddly foam comfort materials will encourage deep sleep.  And the adjustable nature of the Comfortaire bed means that as your life changes, your bed can match.  And the last plug, our beds just last longer.  There are no springs to where out, and the modular design means you can replace parts and keep your bed feeling like news well past the limited 20 year warranty.  Comfortaire says: For the rest of your life... Which is a double entendre, rest as in sleep and rest as in all your life.  If you are thinking a new bed, please consider us and Comfortaire!  You can visit our web site by clicking here.

Sleep Well!

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