I want to start off by saying sorry for the time between posts. It is after Thanksgiving, and our retail business is like others, busier now than most of the rest of the year. Through the end of the year these post might be a bit longer than what we would like, please bear with us.
Our store is next to a pharmacy, and they are our good friends. In fact the owner has purchased one of our beds. Throughout this post, make sure you understand that doctors and medicine are important parts of a your health. In no way are we discounting that. In previous posts we always recommend that you talk to your doctor. That being said, we do believe that sleep is overlooked in a healthy life style.
I have known people who get up at 4:30 AM to go to the gym, because their life is so busy. That is not necessarily bad, but remember sleep hygiene and schedule that trip. To give up the proper amount of sleep can be detrimental to what you are trying to do at the gym. Sleep is when our bodies recover from activity, and when our minds retool for the coming day. To avoid sleep will make the workout less effective than it should be. Nature and biology have us set to sleep for 7-9 hours each night; that can not be changed in the short term. So in this example, if you go to bed at 11 PM and get up at 4 AM your sleep cycle is incomplete, if that is when you can exercise, then keep in mind your bed time is around 8 PM.
Modern medicine has done amazing things since the early 1900s. Doctors know more now than ever before in the history of man. Pharmaceuticals are coming through the pipeline at amazing speeds. Research by drug companies has helped us to live longer and be more productive. Our expected life span is well over the 63 years of 1935. However, sometimes I think we rely on science to solve things that may not be a problem if we took a holistic approach to our health. For example, I remember my grandmother telling me that her doctor called Chiropractors 'bone crackers' and she would never go to one.
Most people today see a place for chiropractors in the health care system, some insurance even pays for chiropractic care. Chiropractors generally try to help health issues through proper alignment of the skeletal system of our bodies. That is a pretty natural approach. And while there are limits to what chiropractors can cure (like the common cold), at times their approach is successful. And chiropractors do not prescribe medication, making what they do pretty natural.
It is our opinion that while there certainly is a place for medication, that place is in emergencies, or when all other things have been tried. Some medical professionals are way to eager to prescribe for a problem, rather than take the time to try other things first. They make the same either way. Drug companies are sales organizations, they stay in business by selling their products to the general population, but patent drugs have to be prescribed, and because of this their sales force visits doctors all the time, touting the benefits of their products. It is natural for the doctors to then think first of medications, the really good doctors still want to try other natural things first.
Drugs can interfere with normal sleep. Which then need more drugs to encourage sleep, it's a catch 22. Many ills, especially skeletal ills can be helped by proper sleep on a good bed. Like ours, so here comes the ad: Comfortaire will align your body in good posture as you sleep, reducing tossing and turning, promoting productive sleep; and helping to reduce back pain, especially morning back pain. And the individual adjustability of Comfortaire insures that both partners have their optimal sleep surface, it's like two beds in one.
Talk to your doctor, perhaps a dietary change, or even a mattress change may help what ills you, without drugs. But please keep visiting our neighbors, they work real hard for their customers!
Sleep Well!
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