Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving and the Holidays

Before we get to sleep during the Holiday Season please let us first thank you.  The reader, who if not reading would make this pointless.  Thank you!  To our small business, Hannah's Better Beds, who makes it possible to write this.  And thanks to our family who put up with a crazy business owner.

If you have read these blogs, you will know that sleep is best when it is on a regular schedule.  Often times in this season that is very hard, bordering on impossible to keep a regular schedule.  The good news is that we can survive!

The key is to try.  Not everyday is too crazy that we can't be on our schedule, the days when we go over the hills and cross the river, will challenge, but by keeping a regular schedule at other times, and the fact that for the most part we want to be there will help our bodies cope with the stress.

And don't forget the kids, the more regular their schedule, the less likely they will be cranky at grandmother's house.  They will be looking to you for leadership, help them rest sufficiently to really enjoy the season.

A nice short blog today, but we wish you a Happy Holiday.  Thanksgiving is a truly unique American Holiday, let it bring us together as a culture and a nation.  But, no matter what holiday you observe, may it bring your family closer together and foster the love that all families deserve! 

Sleep Well!

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