Friday, June 8, 2012

Healthy Sleep

We all should know that healthy sleep is better sleep.  And that is one thing we like to promote.  But what is healthy sleep?

We spend a third of our lives in bed sleeping or trying to sleep.  Sometimes sleep eludes us and that is when we get cranky, become under productive and may develop health issues.  Stress can keep us from sleeping healthy, from work to personal lives there are times when thing just do not go our way.  It is important to try to not let these times affect our sleep.  It is a "catch 22"  stress leads to poor sleep which leads to increased stress.  Did you know that in a poll, sponsored by, only 2% of us report that current events causes sleep issues?  Current events include economic recessions, politics, and world affairs.  Sixteen percent report that personal finances wrecks their sleep.  And last, family issues deters 23% of us from a good healthy night's sleep.

They did not combine the above in their research, however, often times family issues can be caused by financial issues, which can be caused by macro economic issues.  The point is that in the world as it is today in 2012, there are lots of reasons to lose sleep.  So what are we to do?

Consider stress reduction techniques.  Often times just admitting there is stress allows us to process it in our brains and reduce it.  There are many stress reduction activities available to us, from meditation to exercise.  And don't forget the family!  One thing that family has done through out the millennia is offer a support structure.  Spouses should talk, children should talk to parents, and parents should talk to children.  Even more distant relatives and friends can boost your well being and help reduce stress.  Some people turn to religion to reduce stress.  And some will find a way to feel they are working to change the stress points. 

What ever works for you, do it!  Poor sleep can be a plague on us.  Also know what healthy sleep is.  Try to go to bed at the same time every day, and wake up at the same time.  A consistent schedule can be your best defense.  Avoid alcohol, especially before bed time.  Find ways to relax, like a warm bubble bath, or yoga.  Try to exercise, but not before bed.  Avoid mood altering drugs like caffeine or nicotine.  Tell yourself a joke, tickle your significant other, it really doesn't matter, as long as you relax.

So you are now an expert!  See how well you can sleep well to be well, by taking this quiz:

Sleep Well!

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