Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sleep and Babies.

Read this article today: Welcome to the five star sleep spa! Hotel holds 'enforced relaxation' weeks where exhausted parents can recuperate.  And realized that this is our times... Kind of sad, but even raising children seems to be hurting our sleep.

We have two children, and a grand child; we know about the sleep disruption they cause.  But isn't this a little over the top?  I suppose with all the two earner families out there that it can be stressful.  Perhaps the single parents are in similar straits, however, in the past family has always been there for a break.  But we are in the 'me' world of the 21st century. 

Perhaps by setting regular bed times for the child, these parents could anticipate some relaxation.  By planning meals at the right time and taking advantage of when the child sleeps, they could better their position.  Too often we believe that children are treated as small adults.  Ever see how many strollers there are in the local mall after 8 PM? 

And perhaps worse is the lesson we are teaching our children.  Sleep is relegated to lesser status than other activities.  And we wonder why kids are obese?  We starve them at school.  We keep them up too late.  They do learn from us... Let's take a pledge to teach them well, then watch them soar!

Two things are important to us, children and sleep.  Children are the future, sleep makes sure the future is secure.  Sleep like the future depends on it, it really does!

Sleep Well!

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